Numbers are approximate. Please book a time to view the spaces to measure for your specific need.

ROOMDimensionsseatingclassroombanquetBoard roomCocktail standingAdditional notes
AUDITORIUM: 16 X 12160paxNA10+ tablesNA200paxFull sound and data. Great flow from the foyer. Glass doors separate the foyer and auditorium.
  7 X 6
100pax10+ tables10+ tablesNA100paxGreat outdoor flow, incl servery from kitchen to outside.
BREAKOUT ROOMS:  7 X 7 each40pax each2+ tables2+ tables20pax each50paxVery flexible spaces including outdoor flow.
MEETING ROOM: 10 X 1030PAX2+ tablesNA15pax30paxAn excellent private boardroom.
YOUTH HALL: Main 11 X 940PAX5+ tablesNA20pax40paxA private space located at the back of the facilities.  Toilet access is in the main building.
YOUTH HALL: Office  4 X 510PAX1 tableNA8pax10pax
YOUTH HALL: Quiet  4 X 410PAX1 tableNA8pax10pax